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Royal Winnipeg Ballet Piano Recital


$10 First Month Online Piano Lessons

Learn Piano "At Least" 3X Faster
With Proven Methods Behind The Magic!

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Doctor of Music

(Piano Performance & Pedagogy)

Northwestern University


Joshua Gan

Doctor jOSHUA GAN, Founder & Director
With 45 years of teaching experience, his method consists in increasing and progressing the potential of his students 3 times faster than regular students. 100% of their students obtained "Honras de primeira classe" and "Honras de primeira classe com distinção" in the Royal Conservatory of Music exam.

Prime Your Genius...
...and Be The Best Version of You!

Online Piano Recital


At the very FiRST piano lesson...

" Thank you so much! MiCHELLE has major anxiety and she has a hard time at school. It's so amazing to see her today, smiling and learning. She doesn't talk to or respond to questions at school by teachers. Today she really opened up to you. Both my wife and I are amazed to see her interactions with you. More progress in one day with you than weeks of therapy. "

ONE MONTH later, at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's piano performance, Centennial Concert Hall...

" We had a fantastic time, MiCHELLE didn't say too much but she did mention she had a good time. We can't believe she performed today. That was totally out of her comfort zone but her love for piano got her there. I really think you're the reason she's confident enough to do what she did today. She really wanted to make you proud. Her teachers would be shocked to hear about this. She's the student who has trouble walking into class and saying one word to anyone. We appreciate all the effort and extra time you give MiCHELLE and building her confidence too. I can't say enough about how proud we are! "

7 reasons why online piano lessons are not a luxury. THEY ARE THE BEST OPTION FOR YOU!

*~ Piano Lessons mathematically & artistically upgrading the students' brain-power.

*~ Piano Lessons level up the students' conscious & subconscious mind.

*~ Piano Lessons fine-tune the students' calculative & instinctive personality.

*~ Piano Lessons provide students with both discipline & carefree emotional expressions.

*~ Piano Lessons provide students with distraction therapy & mental re-calibration to deal with the angst & anxiety of the modern living. 

*~ Piano Lessons intellectually & emotionally groom the students for a successful future.

*~ Ultimately, Piano Lessons train the students to embrace the MiLLiONAiRE attitude & mindset.

Come See Us
At The
Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet

With great sense of pride, our piano students have been regularly invited as featured young artists at the pre-curtain call performance for the Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet. These events take place at the Piano Nobile Gallery, Centennial Concert Hall.

Let's Get Started!


$10 First Month Online Piano Lessons

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